Swingline had to manufacture a red stapler to meet demand after the release of Office Space.
The price of amber quadrupled after the release of Jurassic Park.
CB radio culture suffered an "Eternal September" after the release of Smokey and the Bandit.
Plumbing fixture stores remarked upon the decline in demand for showers after the release of Psycho.
Beach attendance went down after the release of Jaws.
Injuries and deaths from playing Russian Roulette spiked in 1981 after the release of The Deer Hunter.
Thousands of people wrote in demanding to know where they could buy a hoverboard after the release of Back To the Future.
Investment in plastics went up after the release of The Graduate.
The demand for caller ID tripled after the release of the film Scream.
And finally, demand for any breed of animal goes up after said animal is in a popular movie. (e.g. 101 Dalmatians)
UPDATE 5/19/12: For a recent example, Hundreds of pet owls were abandoned after Harry Potter movies stopped coming out.